Benefits of Life Insurance as You Get Older
Are you covered for a rising age and declining health? In March 2024, the world was shocked to learn that two British Royal family members were suddenly diagnosed with cancer. This highlighted a universal fact—disease does not discriminate and remains a threat to us all … even royalty. As we all work towards a long […]
Three innovative approaches to boost your retirement savings
Retirement planning is absolutely key to your financial well-being, but let’s face it, as those golden years inch closer, a lot of us start to worry if what we’ve saved up is really going to cut it. Sure, sticking to the tried-and-true savings plans is essential, but why not think outside the box a little? […]
Maximising Wealth, Minimising Tax
A comparative look at retirement annuities versus tax-free savings accounts. When it comes to personal finance, every individual has different needs, dreams and financial goals, as well as different pathways to achieving those objectives. One of the most common long-term ambitions shared by many South Africans is to retire comfortably—to live confidently, knowing that there […]
From departure to encashment
The much-anticipated two-pot retirement system, introduced as a ‘knight in shining armour’ for South Africans, has received a new implementation date of March 2024. Expats are cautioned to pay attention to the effects that this will have on the encashment of their retirement savings.