When the sun is shining, it is the opportune time to fix the roof. This adage is especially true in the context of economic situations, where preparation is key to weathering financial storms. In South Africa, as in many parts of the world, interest rates have seen an upward trend, posing significant implications for personal finance. Whether you carry a mortgage, vehicle finance, a student loan, or any form of debt, an interest rate hike translates into higher debt repayments. But do not despair; with the right strategies and expert advice, managing an interest rate hike can be made more navigable:
1. Reducing debt
As interest rates rise, debt repayments follow suit. The key to managing this is to try and pay off as much of your debt as quickly as possible. This strategy not only reduces the amount of money tied up in loan repayments but also lessens the risk of defaulting on debt repayments, particularly during financially challenging times.
2. Shopping around for the best rate
For those venturing into the property market, it’s crucial not to accept the first mortgage offer that comes your way. Your primary bank is likely to give you the best offer to keep your business. Remember, banks are in competition with each other to be your home loan provider; thus, the best offer often lies beneath the prime rate.
3. Tracking your finances
Budgeting may appear restrictive, but it is a powerful tool for uncovering opportunities to cut expenses and increase savings. A clear budget provides a roadmap for financial contingencies and helps you prioritise savings over spending. Regular tracking of your finances can make a significant difference in the long run, mitigating financial vulnerability and preparing for unforeseen expenses.
4. Negotiating insurance premiums
Negotiating the increase in your annual insurance premiums can result in substantial savings, especially if you haven’t claimed from your insurer within the previous financial year. Having multiple assets covered by the same insurer can work in your favour, reducing your premium and aiding your financial stability.
5. Exploring savings-plus options
Despite the economic turmoil, there are opportunities to generate a second income stream from financial markets. Investments in interest-earning securities can provide a method of generating passive income, while also ensuring that the capital amount invested is protected. It’s important to strike a balance between short-term and long-term savings instruments, maximising the potential of your savings.
6. Expert guidance
Navigating an interest rate hike can be a daunting task. This is where the expertise of a certified financial adviser comes into play. A trusted professional can help you develop a comprehensive strategy based on your individual circumstances and financial goals. Whether it’s exploring debt consolidation, working on your credit score, or considering alternative financing options, expert advice can offer invaluable insights and help you make informed decisions.
High-interest rates can pose challenges, but remember that taking proactive steps can effectively manage these situations. With careful planning, diligence, and the right advice, you can remain financially afloat during these challenging times. And remember, the economy is cyclical – what goes up, must come down.
This article is a general information sheet and should not be used or relied upon as professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your financial adviser for specific and detailed advice. Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE)