123 Consulting

To claim or not to claim—VAT, that is…

Some vehicles you cannot claim VAT on, some you can—and knowing the difference can save you a lot of money. When can you claim input VAT on a vehicle? Most businesses that are registered for VAT will be aware that you generally cannot claim input VAT on the purchase of a ‘motor car’ as defined […]

The dangers of single-spouse financial planning

The ability of families and retired couples to plan effectively to protect their financial future can be hampered when just one person is entirely responsible for all financial matters. Our team routinely consults with clients who are surprised—or even bewildered—when they find themselves to be the surviving spouse following a partner’s death. Particularly with the […]

Is a logbook really necessary?

Or can SARS use code 3702 to audit potential business kilometres travelled? I have often wondered whether SARS officials thoroughly review the submitted logbooks when taxpayers claim for travel expenses incurred as a result of business travel, or are these requested just to tick a box? This uncertainty has recently been rresolved—SARS audits the logbooks […]

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